
Information structure preferences in focus-sensitive ellipsis: How defaults persist

We compare the roles of overt accent and default focus marking in processing ellipsis structures headed by focus-sensitive coordinators (such as Danielle couldn't pass the quiz, let alone the final/Kayla). In a small auditory corpus study of radio …

Keep it local (and final): Remnant preferences in 'let alone' ellipsis

The let alone construction (John can't run a mile, let alone a marathon) differs from standard coordination structures (with and or but) by requiring ellipsis of the second conjunct—for example, a marathon is the remnant of an elided clause [John run …

Processing let alone coordination in silent reading

Processing research on coordination indicates that simpler conjuncts are preferred over more complex ones, and that positing ellipsis structure in the second conjunct is taxing to process when a simpler non-ellipsis structure exists. The present …

Remnant seeks correlate for contrastive relationship. Locals preferred.

When structure isn't enough: Discourse contrast in resolving focus-sensitive coordination

Correlate not optional: PP sprouting in much less ellipsis

On sprouting in much less ellipsis

Processing Preferences in Focus-Sensitive Coordination: Locality and Parallelism

Favoring a broad QUD in focus sensitive coordination

Processing Preferences in Focus-Sensitive Coordination: Locality and Parallelism