
Acceptability Judgments at the Syntax­-Semantics Interface

This chapter reviews the theoretical and conceptual issues central to acceptability judgment tasks, and related paradigms, at the syntax-semantics interface, and provides a broad overview of core results obtained from research in this domain. …

A Transparent Semantics for Transparent Free Relatives

Who 'else' but Sarah?

This paper explores the semantics of else when it modifies a bare quantifier, as in someone else, or a wh-phrase, as in who else. I argue that else triggers the presupposition that there is a contextually salient witness, which is removed from the …

Commitment by proxy

Interjective what

Discourse particles and interjectives allow a speaker to signal how information presented in an utterance relates to her epistemic or emotive state. I present a semantics for one such interjective: the English particle what, providing evidence that …

That's, what, an approximation? A formal semantics for approximative what

A semantics for interjective what

On the semantics of domain adjectives in English

On the Semantics of Domain Adjectives in English

This paper investigates the syntactic and semantic restrictions on modal adjectives that appear in prenominal and postnominal position in English, as in The stars visible include Capella. It is argued that, contrary to many current approaches, such …

On the Syntax and Semantics of Heim's Ambiguity

The heart of the debate on the structure of English relative clauses (Bianchi 2002a, 2002b) centers on whether the surface head should have both an external and internal source (the Matching Analysis; Sauerland 1998; Hulsey and Sauerland 2006) or …