
Los Angeles Reading Corpus of Individual Differences: Pilot distribution and analysis

We introduce the LARC-ID, a pilot corpus of eye-movements obtained from subjects reading texts from a range of genres. Materials were presented in multiple paragraphs on the screen to more closely match naturalistic reading environments. Readers were …

Unexpected guests: When disconfirmed predictions linger

A vast amount of literature suggests that the language processor generates expectations about upcoming material. Several studies have found evidence for a prediction error cost in cases where the comprehender encountered not the predicted word but a …

Los Angeles Reading Corpus of Individual Differences: Pilot distribution and analysis

We introduce the LARC-ID, a pilot corpus of eye-movements obtained from subjects reading texts from a range of genres. Materials were presented in multiple paragraphs on the screen to more closely match naturalistic reading environments. Readers were …

Contextual constraint and lexical competition: Revisiting biased misperception during reading

In identifying and accessing lexical items while comprehending text, readers must rapidly select a word from visually similar words before integrating it into a sentence. It has been proposed that readers are likely to misperceive a low frequency …

Keep it local (and final): Remnant preferences in 'let alone' ellipsis

The let alone construction (John can't run a mile, let alone a marathon) differs from standard coordination structures (with and or but) by requiring ellipsis of the second conjunct—for example, a marathon is the remnant of an elided clause [John run …

Processing let alone coordination in silent reading

Processing research on coordination indicates that simpler conjuncts are preferred over more complex ones, and that positing ellipsis structure in the second conjunct is taxing to process when a simpler non-ellipsis structure exists. The present …

Structure modulates similarity-based interference in sluicing: An eye tracking study

In cue-based content-addressable approaches to memory, a target and its competitors are retrieved in parallel from memory via a fast, associative cue-matching procedure under a severely limited focus of attention. Such a parallel matching procedure …

Figuring out Kafka: structural biases induce early sense commitment for metonyms

Using Structural Cues in Processing Polysemes

Voltaire was More Easily Duped than Forged: Structural Cues in Processing Polysemy