
The enduring effects of default focus in let alone ellipsis: Evidence from pupillometry

The study of clausal ellipsis in sentence processing has revealed that comprehenders are sensitive to multiple, sometimes conflicting, pressures when recovering elided content. This paper presents a pupillometry experiment investigating how the human …

The online advantage of repairing metrical structure: Stress shift in pupillometry

In this paper we use pupillometry, a non-invasive, naturalistic method of measuring attention and cognitive load, to mea- sure the effect of stress clash (Chi.NESE ship) and its metrical repair (CHI.nese ship) during auditory sentence processing. We …

The online advantage of repairing metrical structure: Stress shift in pupillometry

In this paper we use pupillometry, a non-invasive, naturalistic method of measuring attention and cognitive load, to mea- sure the effect of stress clash (Chi.NESE ship) and its metrical repair (CHI.nese ship) during auditory sentence processing. We …

The online advantage of repairing metrical structure: Stress shift in pupillometry

Investigating sound and structure in concert: A pupillometry study of relative clause attachment

Listeners must integrate multiple sources of information to construct an interpretation of a sentence. We concentrate here on the alignment of prosodic and syntactic grouping during online sentence comprehension. We present the results from a …

Investigating sound and structure in concert: A pupillometry study of relative clause attachment

Listeners must integrate multiple sources of information to construct an interpretation of a sentence. We concentrate here on the alignment of prosodic and syntactic grouping during online sentence comprehension. We present the results from a …

Online closure mismatches between prosody and syntax: A pupillometry study

Using pupillometry to assess prosodic alignment in language comprehension

We show that the pupillometry method, which continuously captures minute changes in pupil size, provides a natural, real-time measure sensitive to mismatches between prosodic and syntactic group- ing. Pupillometry is increasingly used as a measure of …

Pupil dilation indexes closure mismatches between prosody and syntax