
Los Angeles Reading Corpus of Individual Differences: Pilot distribution and analysis

We introduce the LARC-ID, a pilot corpus of eye-movements obtained from subjects reading texts from a range of genres. Materials were presented in multiple paragraphs on the screen to more closely match naturalistic reading environments. Readers were …

The online advantage of repairing metrical structure: Stress shift in pupillometry

In this paper we use pupillometry, a non-invasive, naturalistic method of measuring attention and cognitive load, to mea- sure the effect of stress clash (Chi.NESE ship) and its metrical repair (CHI.nese ship) during auditory sentence processing. We …

Unexpected guests: When disconfirmed predictions linger

A vast amount of literature suggests that the language processor generates expectations about upcoming material. Several studies have found evidence for a prediction error cost in cases where the comprehender encountered not the predicted word but a …

Effect of partial quotation and transparent free relatives on perspective shift

Perspective shift allows speakers to utter content they may not fully endorse. We explore the interpretation of perspective shifting expressions with a study on Transparent Free Relatives (Allen poured [what (is called/he calls) a beergarita]) and …

Evidence for lingering structural prediction in 'either-or' structures

Investigating sound and structure in concert: A pupillometry study of relative clause attachment

Listeners must integrate multiple sources of information to construct an interpretation of a sentence. We concentrate here on the alignment of prosodic and syntactic grouping during online sentence comprehension. We present the results from a …

Listeners’ beliefs about the speaker and adaptation to the deviant use of prosody

Three visual-world eye-tracking experiments investigated how listeners responded to proper conventional (Exp.1) and unconventional (Exp.2-3) uses of contrastive accent. Exp.1 confirmed that conventional uses of contrastive accent lead anticipatory …

Prosody-meaning mismatches in PP ambiguity: Incremental processing with pupillometry

We report the results of a pupillometry experiment on the prosodic disambiguation of PP modifier sentences. We manipulated instrument plausibility ('pen' vs. 'gun') and prosodic boundary placement, so that a prosodic boundary biased towards a …

Similarity-based interference and morphological retrieval in Portuguese sluiced sentences

Cue-based retrieval models predict reduced retrieval accuracy when the retrieval cue overlaps with more than one item in memory (similarity-based interference, SBI). This study addresses the extent to which morphological gender and number interact …

The limits of forward thinking: Structural prediction with correlative and quantificational 'both'