Using pupillometry to assess prosodic alignment in language comprehension

We show that the pupillometry method, which continuously captures minute changes in pupil size, provides a natural, real-time measure sensitive to mismatches between prosodic and syntactic group- ing. Pupillometry is increasingly used as a measure of …

L2 adaptation to uninformative prosody during structural analysis: A visual world study

This study investigated how L2 learners use prosodic boundary information in processing globally ambiguous sentences such as The boy will see the tiger with the binoculars. It was also examined whether structural analysis in L2 is affected when …

Implicit prosody pulls its weight: Recovery from garden path sentences

Classic reduced relative clause garden path sentences (e.g., The horse raced past the barn fell) are notoriously difficult to comprehend, even after repeated exposure (Bever, 1970; Frazier, 1979). We present a silent eye tracking experiment showing …

Signaling Non-Speaker commitment in Transparent Free Relatives: A paired Speaker-Hearer judgment study

In a typical conversation, Speakers are assumed to be committed to the content of their utterances. Recent research has uncovered several linguistic expressions or prosodic contours that convey subtle interactions between the commitments of discourse …

Interjective what

Discourse particles and interjectives allow a speaker to signal how information presented in an utterance relates to her epistemic or emotive state. I present a semantics for one such interjective: the English particle what, providing evidence that …

On the Semantics of Domain Adjectives in English

This paper investigates the syntactic and semantic restrictions on modal adjectives that appear in prenominal and postnominal position in English, as in The stars visible include Capella. It is argued that, contrary to many current approaches, such …

Extraction from Coordinate Structures: Evidence from Language Processing

Decades of psycholinguistic research have witnessed a sustained interest in whether syntactic island constraints are active during sentence comprehension. This paper examines extraction from the pseudo-coordination construction - a systematic …

Predicting perspectival orientation for appositives

In previous work (Harris & Potts, 2009), we present corpus and experimental evidence indicating that (i) appositives and expressives are generally speaker-oriented — i.e., they are generally intended to convey speaker commitments and generally …

On the Syntax and Semantics of Heim's Ambiguity

The heart of the debate on the structure of English relative clauses (Bianchi 2002a, 2002b) centers on whether the surface head should have both an external and internal source (the Matching Analysis; Sauerland 1998; Hulsey and Sauerland 2006) or …